Team EduStat

Tasks Done

Test analog circuits built in the laboratory

Test different voltage steps

Adjusts in circuitry

Create route to save experiments data/notes Create route to get experiments data/notes

Test DAC output range

Test ESP32 ADC input range Create infrastructure for AI API requisition Implement Hierarchy in teams Verify authentication on the screens Add bluetooth conection to mobile app Design Experiment screen Test different voltage steps Adjusts in circuitry Create experiment cloud saving functionality Adjust already made screens to be responsive Create Experiment screen Design final printed circuit board Make holes in the metallic structure Create function to add experiment to a team ( Authenticated ) Create route to get all team experiments Create function to get all team experiments ( Authenticated ) Create function to save experiments data/notes (Authenticated) Create function to get experiments data/notes (Authenticated) Create Option to save experiments localy Implement microcontroller and DAC I2c connection

Worked Hours

Total :  44.2 hours (the expected was 49.7 hours)
Daniel:  6 hours
Gabriel: 11.5 hours
Gustavo: 10.5 hours
Rodrigo: 7.5 hours
Vitor:   8.7 hours

Last week we were DELAYED with two tasks, but this week we completed them and did everything that was on schedule, so the project is ON TIME.

PCB Project