Team EduStat

Tasks Done

Create Cleaning Simulator screen Create interaction functionality with the graphical simulation elements Create interface to show current or last measurements executed Create function to recall past experiments from cloud Compare cyclic voltammetry results to commercial device results Assemble PCB and components in the case Fixing pcb and components inside the case Test app stability and functionalities on the Android platform Stress test server with the minimum of two simultaneous users Building digital circuit Connect electrodes to cables Data acquisition for the simulator Test measurements with Electrochemical cells Create experiment status functionality Create experiment local saving functionality Create the statistical analysis interface Implement logs for experiments Create Settings screen Implement mean analysis Create Settings alteration functionality Implement Bluetooth connection functionality on app Create battery level interface Create potentiostat connection status functionality Create function to recall locally stored experiment results

Tasks Delayed

Worked Hours

Total :  176.5 hours (the expected was 148 hours)
Daniel: 28 hours
Gabriel: 35 hours
Gustavo: 39 hours
Rodrigo: 40 hours
Vitor: 33.5 hours

Mobile App

For the mobile app, its functionality to simulate the different cleaning resources and procedures has been fully coded and implemented. The integration of said software with the rest of the project was also done.

The video below shows an example of the simulation, with the added functionality of overlaying different examples for comparison:

vid1 (


Assembled project